Terms & Conditions

Check it out in detail

The Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer Museum carries out a public service mission which consists of preserving, exhibiting and enriching the community's heritage through acquisitions.

The museum staff, identified by a badge, is responsible for welcoming, providing information and ensuring the smooth running of the visit as well as the safety of people, property and buildings. It is responsible for enforcing these regulations under the hierarchical authority.


ARTICLE 1: These regulations apply to individual visitors or groups, to people authorized to use the premises for exhibitions and to people not involved in the services present in the establishments for professional reasons.


ARTICLE 2: The museum is open according to municipal decree. The City reserves the right to modify the opening hours of the museums according to activities, occasional events or specific news. 

In case of absolute necessity of service or security reasons, their total or partial closure can be unexpectedly performed, without this having to be justified to the public.

ARTICLE 3: Access to the museum is no longer permitted approximately thirty minutes before closing time and evacuation measures for the rooms begin fifteen minutes before the closing time of the establishments.

ARTICLE 4: The various applicable tariffs, reductions or exemptions are fixed by deliberation of the municipal council and decree. Tipping is prohibited.

ARTICLE 5: Entry and circulation in the museum are subject to the possession of an access ticket issued by the ticket office of the establishment. Visitors must remain in possession of this title, which may be required to be presented at any time. Acceptance of the access pass implies acceptance of the terms & conditions.

ARTICLE 6: Specific devices are put in place in the establishment to facilitate the movement of people with reduced mobility. It is advisable to inquire at the reception to benefit from it and to respect the conditions of use. Even motorized wheelchairs are allowed. Overall, any damage caused is the responsibility of the person responsible.

ARTICLE 7: It is forbidden to introduce into the establishments objects which present a risk to the safety of persons, works, buildings and in particular:

• weapons and ammunition,

• sharp or potentially dangerous objects,

• explosive, flammable or volatile substances,

• any heavy, bulky or foul-smelling object,

• animals, with the exception of those useful for supporting people with disabilities.

Depending on the degree of the vigipirate plan, the security measures may be amplified. Refusal to comply with the provisions of this article will result in the prohibition of access to the museum. 
For security reasons, a visitor's access to the museum may be subject to the opening of a bag or package by the staff, according to the rules in force. 

The (identified) staff can refuse entry to the establishments to a visitor who refuses to comply with these requests. The museum is under video surveillance.


ARTICLE 8: For school groups only, student belongings can be left at reception. They must be removed the same day before the establishment closes. Items not removed at closing time will be kept at reception for three days and then transferred to the municipal police station.

ARTICLE 9: Access to the rooms is subject to the compulsory deposit at reception:

• canes and crutches not fitted with rubber tips,

• hiking poles,

• umbrellas unless they can be contained folded,

• any other pointed, sharp or blunt object,

• bicycle or motorcycle helmets,

• rollerblades, skateboards,...

The agents and the Management cannot be held responsible for the disappearance of these deposited objects.

Bicycles and scooters must be locked up outside the museum.

ARTICLE 10: Deposits by school groups are made at the risk and peril of the depositors. The City disclaims all liability in the event of theft or damage. It cannot be held responsible except to demonstrate its fault (fault of the staff and/or malfunction of the service); it is up to the applicant to demonstrate it.

ARTICLE 11: Deposits are received within the limit of reception capacity. During each deposit, a ticket number is given to the visitor corresponding to his object.

ARTICLE 12: Objects found in the museum are brought back to reception and then transferred after a period of three days to the municipal police station.


ARTICLE 13: Telephone communications, consumption of food, drinks, tobacco, electronic cigarettes are prohibited.

ARTICLE 14: Any action undermining the safety of work and/or people and the good conditions of visit is prohibited.

In order to preserve the calm necessary for visiting the premises and to allow the smooth running of the events organized there, visitors are asked to avoid disturbing the premises with their attitude, clothing or words.

In order to avoid incidents, accidents or damage to work, it is forbidden to:

have an inappropriate attitude or remarks towards the staff or any other person present in the establishment,

• touch the works, decorations or other museographic arrangements,

• rely on showcases, bases and other presentation elements (mediation tables, etc.),

• cross the partitions and devices intended to contain the public,

• affix graffiti, inscriptions, marks or dirt anywhere,

• use charcoal, pastel, watercolor, markers... unless authorized in the context of the workshop,

• open or close doors and windows outside of any instruction related to the safety of persons,

• manipulating emergency instruments without reason (extinguisher, fire hose, weapon casing, etc.),

• walk barefoot or bare-chested: proper attire is required,

• lie down on the benches or on the ground,

• hinder the movement of visitors and obstruct passages and exits, in particular by sitting on the stairs,

• engage in running, jostling, sliding or climbing,

• throwing paper or rubbish on the ground, throwing or sticking chewing gum,

• enter the establishment in a state of intoxication,

• smoking, vaping, eating or drinking in the establishment (young children can drink one bottle),

• carry children on the shoulders,

• leave minor children unsupervised,

• abandon personal items, even for a few moments. Any closed or abandoned bag, luggage or package may, for security reasons, be destroyed without delay or notice by the competent authorities,

• hide your face in the public space; this instruction does not apply to people who are sick or need to wear a surgical mask

• carry out financial or other transactions within non-cash establishments or sales counters.

Derogations can be in particular in favor of blind or visually impaired people or women who wish to breastfeed their child who can do so discreetly. A space dedicated to changing nappies is provided in the restroom on the ground floor.

ARTICLE 15: Any lost child is entrusted to a museum agent who accompanies her/him to the reception. If this child has not been reached by his relatives within a reasonable time, a person in charge notifies the nearest municipal police station. Children up to 14 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

ARTICLE 16: Any survey or any opinion poll of visitors must be subject to prior authorization from the Museum Management.

ARTICLE 17: Cultural and religious practices or any act of proselytism are prohibited in the establishment, in application of the law 2010-1192 of October 11, 2010 and that of April 11, 2011.

ARTICLE 18: Visitors are required to follow the recommendations and to respect the instructions communicated to them by the staff. Otherwise, they may receive an order to leave the premises and must comply with it without delay.


ARTICLE 19: The public is informed that, for security reasons, the museum benefits from a video surveillance installation and that it may be subject to video recording.

ARTICLE 20: Any accident or illness occurring inside the museum must be reported to supervisory staff.

If among the visitors, a doctor, a nurse, a first aider intervenes, she/he is asked to present her/his professional card or authorization and to stay with the patient or the injured until his evacuation. She/He is invited to leave her/his name and communicate with the museum agent present on the premises.

ARTICLE 21: In the event of a fire or any other event requiring evacuation, visitors must follow the instructions of the staff. If the evacuation of the premises is necessary, it must be carried out calmly and in accordance with the aforementioned instructions.

ARTICLE 22: As no work can be removed or moved in the presence of the public during the opening hours of the establishment, any visitor who witnesses the removal of a work is invited to give the alert. In accordance with Article R 642-1 of the Penal Code, everyone is required to lend a hand to the museum staff when the assistance of visitors is required.

In the event of an attempted theft, the alert provisions may lead to the closure of access and the control of exits in order to carry out the usual investigations.

In the event of excessive crowds, disturbances and any situation likely to compromise the safety of people or property, the establishment may be entirely or partially closed.

ARTICLE 23: Any event must be the subject of a contract. A “security” analysis will be carried out on a case-by-case basis by the internal services.



ARTICLE 24: Group visits are placed under the responsibility of a member of the group who undertakes to ensure that the conditions set by these rules are respected. This person is the only contact for the reception service and is responsible for collecting entry tickets for all participants at reception.

ARTICLE 25: The size of each group (maximum 10 people) is determined by the management of the museum according to the reception capacity. A group arriving without prior reservation may, depending on the number of individual visitors or the number of groups expected, be refused entry to an establishment.

Visitors in groups must respect the fluidity of the visit of other visitors. Depending on the number of visitors, groups may be asked to split up in order to facilitate the circulation of other visitors.

ARTICLE 26: a group visit cannot be accompanied by a speaker not employed by the museum who speaks in the museum without prior authorization.

ARTICLE 27: it is forbidden to use an amplified sound system (megaphone, hygiaphone, microphone, etc.) to accompany groups.

ARTICLE 28: Groups may be required to use headphones provided by the museum, in order to reduce noise pollution for the rest of the public present within the museum facilities.


ARTICLE 29: School groups are accompanied by at least one teacher responsible for supervising the students. During a workshop, the cultural mediator is only responsible for the safety of the students within the framework of the workshop.

ARTICLE 30: Children registered for a workshop individually by their parents are under the responsibility of the cultural mediator with regard to the safety of the activities offered as part of the workshop.

ARTICLE 31: The parents or people responsible for the minor child undertake, through the registration form for the workshop, to be punctual and to be present at the reception at the start and end time of the workshop and provide emergency phone numbers.

ARTICLE 32: If necessary, a reception agent will entrust the child to the Municipal Police of the city.


ARTICLE 33: External contributors must comply with these regulations and be identified by a badge or by any useful means.

Any speaker (press, photographer, member of an association, a company, etc.) must be identified by a badge which will be given to them at reception, and must present a written agreement with the museum management.

External contributors must have made their request at least one week in advance.


ARTICLE 34: During the assembly or dismantling of exhibitions or for service requirements, certain museum rooms may be closed to the public. Access to spaces can also be restricted.

Staff members must be identified by any useful means.

Only staff members authorized to circulate in these spaces are authorized to enter them.


ARTICLE 35: In the rooms of the permanent collections, the works may be photographed, without tripod and without flash and for the sole private use of the operator. The management of the museum declines all responsibility with regard to any undeclared commercial use.

In the rooms where temporary exhibitions are presented, photography is prohibited unless otherwise indicated at the museum reception and/or subject to a specific request from the museum management. Requests must be made at least one week in advance.

The intellectual property of the works must be respected.

ARTICLE 36: For the protection of the works as well as for the comfort of the visitors, the use of flashes, lamps and other lighting devices is prohibited, except with the prior authorization of the Museum Management.

ARTICLE 37: It is forbidden to photograph or film the installations and technical equipment.

ARTICLE 38: Any recording, filming, shooting or sound recording, of which the staff and the public could be the object, require, in addition to the authorization of the Management of the museum, also that of the interested parties.

ARTICLE 39: Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous article, professional photography, shooting of films, recording of radio and television broadcasts, for commercial or promotional purposes, are subject to specific regulations and to a prior written request addressed to the management of the museum within a reasonable time. The teams in charge of the filming or sound recordings must submit to strict compliance with the conditions under which the authorization is granted to them and comply with these regulations.

ARTICLE 40: The making of copies of works from the establishments requires authorization from the Museum Management. Beneficiaries are required to comply with these regulations and with the specific requirements communicated to them with regard in particular to the protection of works to be copied and any reproduction rights.


ARTICLE 41: Museum exhibitions must have a scientific value linked to the museum's cultural project.

Each exhibition is subject to the prior approval of the Museum Management and the City Council. A space provision contract is drawn up for each use; it shows the hours and days of availability as well as the name of the person designated as responsible who will be the signatory of the contract.

ARTICLE 42: The schedule for the use of the exhibition hall is managed by the management of the museum.

In order to optimize the use of rooms and spaces, the following procedure should be observed:

All room reservation requests must be sent by post or by email (accueil-museal@lessaintesmaries.fr). The person in charge of the site coordination must check availability; a response is sent to the requester.

ARTICLE 43: The management is required to make every effort to ensure the safety of the goods exhibited.

ARTICLE 44: No prices must appear on the exhibited works. It must not be a commercial exhibition. If the public wishes to inquire in order to buy a work, the information will be provided to them at the reception.

ARTICLE 45: An agreement may be concluded between the tenant of the exhibition hall and the Management in order to create or sell derivative products which will be offered at the reception of the Museum.



ARTICLE 46: Rates

The sale prices are those displayed in the museum shop;

ARTICLE 47: Payment:

– In the museum shop, payment methods by credit card, check and cash are accepted. For any payment by cheque, customers are asked to provide proof of identity; above €500.00 two pieces of identification are required.

ARTICLE 48: Settlement of disputes:

– The parties undertake to do their utmost to resolve any disagreements on the execution or interpretation of these rules;

– The general conditions as well as any order are governed by French law;

– Any dispute that cannot find an amicable settlement will be brought before the Court of Aix-en-Provence, whose decision will be authoritative.